Record Console – Luno Mon, 09 Jul 2018 21:44:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Record Console – Luno 32 32 INTERVIEW: FOUNDER JENNIFER FARMER Fri, 15 Jun 2018 22:04:42 +0000 We wanted to give you guys a peek inside the minds behind LUNO with a couple of interviews with our founders. Both have incredibly cool and […]

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We wanted to give you guys a peek inside the minds behind LUNO with a couple of interviews with our founders. Both have incredibly cool and interesting backstories, we didn’t want to cheat you of any of the good stuff, so we decided to do this in two parts. So, to kick things off, using the metrics set forth by the master David Bowie in his song “Sound & Vision,” we’ll be starting with the vision half of this dynamic design duo, Jennifer Farmer. Her involvement with music runs deep, we’ve asked her to share some cool stories from her past life in the music biz. She also gives us some insight into her creative process, what goes into designing their amazing hifi record consoles, and a few hints about what’s on the horizon for LUNO.

Did you grow up with a record player/console in your house, did your family listen to much music? 

I was an 80s baby so I grew up with cassette tapes mostly. For my 3rd birthday all I wanted was a pink tape player and a Bon Jovi tape. I can’t help but think that this moment was where my love of music and quirky design came in. As far as the music in my family, my dad was a huge Zeppelin, Van Halen, Lou Reed fan so those are some of my earliest musical memories. My mom loved people like Queen, Bowie, Skynard, and Aerosmith. However, I think my the person who had the biggest impact on my musical taste was my older brother, Jason, who sparked my love for a lot of weird alternative and indie bands. He taught me about The Pixies & Frank Black, Nirvana, all of Steve Albini’s projects, My Bloody Valentine, Magnetic Fields (Stephin Merritt), Jesus & Mary Chain and so many more that I could go on about this question alone for 10 pages! Also, I’m from Texas and have a lot of family members who play country music so there was a lot of Willie Nelson and classic country music happening during family festivities!

FUN FACT: I one time got hired for a job assisting a famous Japanese rock star because I told him that my favorite music was Nirvana and Garth Brooks. He hired me on the spot because he thought it was so ridiculous!


What was the first vinyl record LP that you purchased?

I believe it was Queen “A Night at the Opera” for .99 at Goodwill.

Do you have a listening room in your house, what’s your current setup like?  

We have about 10 “listening rooms” at our house thanks to Dan. Every room in our house has a record player/audio system of some sort. Even our bathroom has some sort of hybrid tube amp contraption Dan set up. Our living room has a Soundburger / Mister Disc portable record player that comes through our surround sound. Our bedroom has a Barbie Disco suitcase style record player I got at Goodwill that we refurbished and it actually sounds fairly good all things considered. Our office has a U-Turn turntable that Dan uses to test out a lot of our new speakers and listen to when he’s working. Last but not least, we finally just brought home one of our KC27 consoles that lives in our dining room. It sits at the end of our 12 foot dining table so it’s the perfect entertainment and conversation piece. (We would have brought the EGB2 but it didn’t fit properly, that thing is a beast!) We even currently have it voice activated so you can yell at it to play stuff for you which is pretty fun after a few cocktails!

kc27 stereo record console

What did you do before you started LUNO?

I moved to Los Angeles from Texas in 2003 to go to acting school – isn’t that why everyone comes to LA?! After a year of that, I realized that it wasn’t for me and I really like being behind the scenes. My boyfriend at the time was in a band and his manager also managed The Killers so I started helping him out occasionally. Also, all of my friends that I had met when I moved out here were musicians. I wasn’t even really aware of the “the industry” side of things before moving to LA nor had I considered it a career option, but found it fascinating and it seemed like everything was pointing me in that direction. I enrolled in MI and studied music business and interned at Interscope Records. From there, I went on to do radio promotion, marketing for a startup music platform, promotion for live venue, assisting a famous rock star, and artist relations for a guitar company. I dabbled in a bit of everything on the marketing side of the industry and absolutely loved it. It’s still my dream to someday own a beautiful live venue that I can design and Dan can do sound – future LUNO Lounge idea!? Working on the live side of things was by far my favorite experience. Everyday was something different and it was never boring. I loved being able to create experiences that allowed people to have a good time, which is something we try to do with LUNO. After I got laid off from my last industry gig, I had decided that I didn’t want to work for anyone ever again – it was natural for me as I’m stubborn as hell and both of my parents are entrepreneurs so it is in my DNA. While I was working on a startup I’d wanted to do for a while called BandPass (similar to MoviePass but for music) and trying to figure out my plan, I started painting vintage furniture in my garage as a hobby. I ended up putting some of it on Craigslist for fun and it sold. So I did more, and it sold. BandPass soon took a backseat. People soon started asking me for custom pieces, then started asking me build stuff for them (WTF) so I just sort of figured it out by being extremely obsessive and persistent! It was a very organic process and nothing I ever intended to do, but I fell in love with the design process. I studied and stalked everyone I could who knew anything about it sometimes hanging out at paint stores for hours on end. Just a few years later, we now have 2 successful furniture lines and LUNO has allowed me to combine my love of music & design. We’re planning on launching new products at ICFF 2019 and talking about doing a design show in NY this October, as well.

It sounds like you’ve met a lot of celebrities in your work, any stories you can share?

I think it’s inevitable that living in Los Angeles, you’re going to meet and know celebrities especially when working in the entertainment industry. One that stands out in my mind is when I met Paul Stanley of KISS when I was working at Daisy Rock. It was Halloween and I had no idea he was coming by and I was wearing a Kurt Cobain costume, as I would. He was not in a costume. It was such a random experience and he was super nice! I also got to meet Shonen Knife, who I had been a fan of for a while. We ended up becoming friends and they sent Dan and I a wedding gift that we still have, a beautiful Sake Set! Meeting Davey Havok from AFI deserves an honorable mention too because he’s one of the nicest people on the planet.

Jennifer Farmer dressed as Kurt Cobain with Paul Stanley of Kiss

If you could make a custom hifi console for anyone, who would it be, describe the style and design for us?

My original intention of doing a lot of the custom designs (such as Prince, Bowie, etc) was to make them for the artists, sadly they never came to fruition. I really love the design and customization process and the ability to make something so wild that totally reflects a specific person’s style. I’m currently obsessed with trying to make a Yeezy console for Kanye. Dan and I are HUGE Kanye fans and Kanye is also a huge interior design and furniture fan and I recently read that he’s opening up a Yeezy architecture branch so I think it’s in the realm of possibility?!

What speaks to you about mid-century modern style?

Mid Century Modern style evokes a nostalgic feeling. When we launched at ICFF almost every person that came into our booth (one of them being Terry Crews) immediately would smile and say “this brings back some memories.” This is the exact feeling we wanted to create and the Mid Century Grandma aesthetic brought that to the table.

If you could choose one record to describe yourself, what would it be and why?

Neil Young’s ‘Harvest’ because damn near every song on that record is perfect and relatable.

“Think I’ll pack it in and buy a pick-up

Take it down to L.A.

Find a place to call my own

and try to fix up.

Start a brand new day”

Can you explain to someone what the experience of having one of your record consoles is like?

From someone who doesn’t know much about audio, I can say that they sound like being at a live concert. Dan is a phenomenal live sound engineer and really makes it feel like an immersive experience. We even had a customer once say as soon as we turned up the volume “Sounds like a concert!” – there is a video to prove it! In terms of the design, we tried to take a lot of aspects of the vintage players that we liked and clean them up a bit. I used Marshall Grill Cloth to really make it feel as authentic to the old stereo cabinets as possible. For our custom consoles, the sky’s the limit, you want me to wrap one in hundred dollar bills or add a mini-fridge – let’s do it! The funkier, the better! I’m up for the challenge.

What was your first concert, who did you see and what impression did that have on you?

The first concert I saw alone with friends was The Smashing Pumpkins Zero Tour in 97 or 98, I believe. I was hooked from that day forward. I remember going to the after party at a local club called Numbers hoping they would be there (they weren’t.) I’m still upset about that. Call me, Billy.

Can you tell us about the creative process of making one of your record consoles? Where do you take your inspiration from?

Typically it starts out with me seeing something I like and trying to incorporate it into one of our pieces somehow. No matter if our cabinet makers tell us it’s not possible, we always figure out a way! I’ll send my sketches to our designer and he’ll make them actually look good (and realistic) not like a 5 year old drew them. From there, my cabinet makers and I figure out what is and isn’t doable – the former always wins if I have anything to say about it! Dan spent a lot of time developing the audio components and sound quality of the consoles so we do have certain restrictions we’re working with but in terms of the cabinets & design aspect, we can get pretty funky (within reason) as long as the materials don’t affect or hinder the sound in any way. It’s a bit of trial and error when working on new designs. Most of my inspiration comes from pop culture, I would say, I’ve always been fascinated by it.

You’ve designed a lot of very unique custom hifi record consoles, can you tell us about a couple of your favorites?

My favorite to date by far is the new Limited Edition piece we just designed. I can’t get too much into it until we announce it but it’s stunning and was an extremely complicated process. It took multiple people with various skills to pull it off.  Besides that, I did a really cool Louis Vuitton piece that I’m in love with, and the Bowie was very interesting because the base had a welded constellation pattern which looked really amazing.

Can you tell us a little about what’s coming up for LUNO?

We have a new Limited Edition console coming up that we collaborated on with a famous artist so keep your eyes peeled for that! I’m extremely proud of the design, it was a long  process but the end result is phenomenal and some of the best work we’ve done. We also have a desktop/portable type console that we’ve been working on for a while that will be announced soon, as well as several cabinet designs sans equipment. We also collaborated with a whiskey company on multiple pieces that they’re using for a giveaway so you may have a chance to win one! Lastly, we’re in the process of moving our listening room aka “LUNO Lounge”, production facility, showroom, all under one roof so that’s really exciting! We’ll be able to hold inventory, have listening parties and all that cool stuff that’s been difficult to do so far.

I hear you’re also a musician, can you tell us a little about that and your current project?

I wouldn’t really call myself a “musician” per se. I learned to play bass for a band called Ghostel than Dan, I, and our friend Bryce had for a little while. It was super fun and our song “Buckley Get Your Gun” got a placement in the trailer of an Oscar nominated film called “Mustang” so that was pretty wild and got us a decent amount of attention. I’m not formally trained on any instruments and pretty much only know how to play our songs! I sort of made up my own tablature and Dan worked with me and taught me in a way that I understood.  It’s a really fun experience and I love the rush of being on stage and hope to do it again soon. The full album entitled 1414 was just released on Spotify. Currently, we’re so busy with LUNO and MVV that Dan and I write some songs here and there for fun and hope to turn those into a new project at some point in the future and release it on vinyl!

Ghostel Band Live Show

If you could give anyone a single piece of advice what would it be and why?

My dad always told me you gotta spend money to make money! So basically buy one of our damn consoles and it’ll make you rich!!!! No, but seriously, in the words of one of my favorite professors “Try to make one room in your house as beautiful as possible.”



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TOP 5 VINTAGE MID-CENTURY MODERN RECORD CONSOLES Wed, 20 Jun 2018 21:16:08 +0000 Some of the coolest home furnishings ever designed were the incredible mid-century modern hifi record consoles of the 1960’s. During an era where everyone looked to the […]


Some of the coolest home furnishings ever designed were the incredible mid-century modern hifi record consoles of the 1960’s. During an era where everyone looked to the future with great optimism, the interior design of the day also captured the excitement and possibility of living in a space-age utopia. These were the centerpiece for many households, during the single largest pop music explosion in history, when bands and could incite hysteria and music became a driving force in pop culture unlike it had been previously seen. Some of these designs have to be seen to be believed, including one of our favorites, which once belonged to David Bowie himself. Here are our Top 5 Vintage Stereo Record Consoles in no particular order.


Electrohome Apollo 711

Electrohome Record Console - Mid-Century Modern Hifi Record Consoles

Electrohome Record Console – Mid-Century Modern Hifi Record Consoles

These bubble-domed record consoles proved to be a lasting style icon of the 1960’s, with its futuristic sci-fi design, it could blend in your typical mid-century modern home or on the deck of a interplanetary space craft. Electrohome, was well known for having manufactured the first phonographs in Canada, and would later go on to become a television broadcaster in their country. By 1965 after a period of tremendous growth Electrohome products would be available in 23 countries around the globe, and they would become very well known for producing the Electrohome Apollo 711, named for NASA’s famed launches. During the lounge music revival of the 1990’s this striking record player from space would end up on album covers, magazine photo shoots and featured in films that wanted to reference this incredible era of style and design.


David Bowie’s Custom Brionvega Record Player

david-bowie Brionvega turntable - Mid-Century Modern Hifi Record Consoles

david-bowie Brionvega turntable – Mid-Century Modern Hifi Record Consoles


This custom record console, made for Mr. Stardust, was conceived as a “musical pet.” This incredible turntable was able to fetch a whopping $324,000 at a recent auction. Brionvega an Italian company that also produced other notable designs, including the “Cubo” television, which is on permanent display in the Museum of Modern Art in New York.


Clairtone Project G

Clairtone Project G - Mid-Century Modern Hifi Record Consoles

Clairtone Project G – Mid-Century Modern Hifi Record Consoles

One of the most unique designs from the mid-century modern era of stereo consoles is this series of players, known as Clairtone Project G. With its instantly recognizable globe shaped speakers, and space aged minimalism. This was an extremely high end console when it sold originally, with a price tag around $2000 in the mid-1960s. Clairtone, a Canadian company, became an extremely well known design of the day, even though only less than 400 units were ever made. It gained notoriety from features by celebrities like Frank Sinatra and a feature on the set of The Graduate.


PAAM Tube Turntable

PAAM TUBE TURNTABLE - Mid-Century Modern Hifi Record Consoles

PAAM TUBE TURNTABLE – Mid-Century Modern Hifi Record Consoles

Europe provided of the most interesting designs of the mid-century modern era of style, with this French design from 1968. The aeronautics-trained designer created this eye-catching cylindrical stereo turntable, with built-in speakers on both sides.


Weltron 2007

Weltron 2007 - Mid-Century Modern Hifi Record Consoles

Weltron 2007 – Mid-Century Modern Hifi Record Consoles

Appropriately referred to as the “spaceship” this unit added an AM/FM radio and cassette deck built into one compact unit, it is said that the Weltron 2007 was inspired by Stanley Kubrick’s masterpiece 2001: A Space Odyssey. The Weltron 2007 made it’s debut at the Consumer Electronics Show in 1975, and sold for $399, which today is equivalent to over $1,800 adjusted for inflation.

If you enjoyed this tour through some of our favorite turntables and record consoles of the space age mid-century modern era, take a look at our versions of their modern day counterparts, such as our EGB2 Record Console,  KC27 Record Console, J2B2 Record Console, and the beautiful standalone cabinet (without turntable) THE SHELL.


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LA LOCAL VINYL – SILVERSUN PICKUPS – BETTER NATURE Thu, 21 Jun 2018 22:29:17 +0000 When they were getting started, Silversun Pickups were known as one of the hardest working bands in Silverlake. Early on, taking any and every gig they […]


When they were getting started, Silversun Pickups were known as one of the hardest working bands in Silverlake. Early on, taking any and every gig they could, even if it meant closing out bills and only playing to a small handful of people. They were mainstays at some of the coolest Los Angeles venues during the early 2000s, including Spaceland, Echo and the indie club that would become their second home Silverlake Lounge. They generated a lot of buzz in the Silverlake scene after the release of the debut EP Pikul, which cemented their reputation as one of the most promising new bands of 2005. The following year would see the release of their landmark debut album, Carnavas, drawing favorable comparisons to one of the most beloved bands of the 90s, Smashing Pumpkins. The album’s first single “Lazy Eye” was an international smash, as they went on to score two Billboard Top 10 Modern Rock Tracks in 2007. Over the course of their next 3 LPs, Silversun Pickups’ sound evolved, and explored new sonic territory, and began to incorporate more electronic elements.

Their most recent album, 2015’s Better Nature has become a fan favorite, and considered an underrated classic by indie rock aficionados. Better Nature was also the first LP released on their own independent imprint New Machine Records, and was fan funded with a Pledge Music campaign, allowing the band the freedom to make this record entirely on their own terms. The sonic pallet of this record was showcased with the lead single “Nightlight” with its grinding guitars and epic chorus, the song was an exciting introduction to a new era for the band’s sound. Retaining all of the classic trademarks of their debut, but with a darker mood and more complex arrangements.

Better Nature’s second single “Circadian Rhythm (Last Dance)” was an infectious entry into the band’s catalog, with one of the groups most memorable melodies, and swooning interplay between Nikki and Brian’s beautifully complementary vocals. Over the span of the album’s ten tracks, the band hit some major highs, with some of their most beautiful moments and engrossing arrangements to date. The record, helmed by the production skills of Garret “Jacknife” Lee who has worked with U2, R.E.M. and The Cars, delivers an incredible analog experience. The album packs a punch, with diamond sharp clarity, expert mastering and incredible use of dynamic range. The album has a wonderful sense of space and breath, and avoids the trappings that many over-polished modern rock records seem to fall into. An album that could easily be classified as a sleeper classic, that is finding a greater audience with each passing year. However, there is no substitute for hearing it for the first time in its full analog glory on a high quality stereo console.


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Top 5 Essential Record Console Accessories Sat, 23 Jun 2018 21:32:06 +0000 If you’re new to the world of analog audio, or you’re buying your first turntable, there are a few essential record console accessories that will significantly […]

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If you’re new to the world of analog audio, or you’re buying your first turntable, there are a few essential record console accessories that will significantly enhance your listening experience and help you keep your favorite records sounding great for years. We’ve compiled our top 5 suggestions that will help newcomers to the world of vinyl records maintain their collection, while doing it in style.



One thing that you learn when start buying vintage vinyl records is that you can greatly improve the playability and reduce unwanted noise when you remove dust and dirt with a quality cleaning kit. The GrooveWasher Kit includes everything you need to clean and maintain your vinyl collection. The GrooveWasher G2 Fluid is the result of years of research and testing. The selection of ingredients was guided by the formulations of the D series fluids of the 1970s. G2 is hydrophilic and non-reactive to PVC vinyl. G2 Fluid is designed for maximum cleaning effectiveness of the delicate vinyl surface and microgroove. Anti-static action on contact. Just honest cleaning to release the honest sound of the recording.



These vinyl record storage crates not only look amazing, but they’re also portable so you can take your show on the road. Made from reclaimed White Oak, they feature dovetailed joints, a hand rubbed oil finish, and aged brass details and handles. Each crate can hold up to 50 records making it easy to pick up and move around or bring to a party. They have the ability to be stacked with built in dowels. The V cutout shape in the front allows you to proudly display your favorite records and flip through with ease.



Displaying your records and having them look cool is half the battle; the other half is making sure that you store them in a way that doesn’t damage them. This simple storage solution is made of solid walnut and solid brass. It’s perfect to sit on top of your desk or credenza and makes flipping through your collection ever so easy. Choose your favorite records and add them to your everyday rotation.



We saved the best for last, if you want the ultimate listening experience, you need to hear your favorite album in one of the most comfortable listening chairs you will ever come across. The Buckley Listening Chair is like reclining on a bed of marshmallows while floating on a fine leather cloud. It’s built with the speaker height in mind, and positioned for you the get the maximum listening experience, so kick back with a glass of whiskey and enjoy your favorite record! Ottoman included. One of our all time favorite record console accessories.



Jax Vinyl Storage Unit

When your vinyl habit starts to become an issue, and you realize you’re spending more time flipping through stacks at Amoeba Records or Record Surplus than with your family and friends. You’re going to need an appropriately decorative way to begin to disguise your addiction, and the mass proliferation of amazing records taking over your house. This stunning modern storage unit is for the serious and stylish collector holding up to 500 records. Made from exotic Zebrawood with black lacquered legs, it’s a one of kind showstopping item that will hold a large record collection with sophistication. Custom finishes & sizes available.

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The Faces Behind the Names… The Puppies of LUNO Thu, 28 Jun 2018 17:47:54 +0000 I’m sure you often wonder how products get their names. We sure do! EGB2? What does that even mean? Well, we wanted to give you a […]

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I’m sure you often wonder how products get their names. We sure do! EGB2? What does that even mean? Well, we wanted to give you a little insight into some of our product names and how they came about. If you’re not already aware, LUNO, was named after our dog Emmylou (LU) Knowles (NO) who herself was named after the great Emmylou Harris. We thought we would continue the theme of naming our products after our children AKA puppies so here’s a sneak peek behind the thought process of a few of our favorite products…..



Buckley was our first child. He was a little terrier mix that we named after Jeff Buckley. We also wrote a song called “Buckley Get Your Gun” with our band Ghostel that was featured in the trailer of an Oscar nominated film called Mustang. Little Buckles legacy continues to live on!

KC was my first dog before Dan and I got married. I named him after my favorite artist, Kurt Cobain. He was a min-pin and my first love.

JAX is named after our second dog, Jackson. Jackson Wigglebum was such a dude and we miss him every day. He was named after Michael Jackson who was playing when we picked him up.

GPK (currently unreleased) is named after our newest addition, Gram, AKA Gram Paw Knowles, named after Gram Parsons. This little tank packs a lot in a small package and we can’t wait to introduce you to our GPK unit!


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Post Malone – Stoney – Modern Classic Vinyl | LUNO Tue, 03 Jul 2018 02:23:42 +0000 It’s hard to believe that it was just two years ago that Post Malone released Stoney, launching his career into the stratosphere of the hip-hop world, and making a […]

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It’s hard to believe that it was just two years ago that Post Malone released Stoney, launching his career into the stratosphere of the hip-hop world, and making a major splash for his first introduction into the mainstream. The record’s notoriety after its release has grown since its debut, and has resonated with its audience in a way that few recent records have been able to achieve, especially for an artist that hasn’t been given the major label marketing push that many of the top-40 mainstays receive.

On tracks like “No Option” and “Leave,” Post Malone showcases his vibe at its best, laid back, with a voice that doesn’t 100% fit the mold of other current artists in trap. It almost has a throwback 90s feel to it in some ways, but there is a deeper level he achieves with his tracks than the typical throwback party anthem. There’s another dimension of  depth that seems to be resonating with his fans, an emotional chord that he effortlessly strikes on almost every track from Stoney. While he is rooted purely in hip-hop, one of his other passions is emo music, and this complexity is on full display on tracks that strike a balance of his two favorite worlds like “I Fall Apart.”

Whereas the traditional function of emo music is pure catharsis and release of angst for its listener, there’s a perspective that comes across in Post Malone’s lyrics and delivery that almost achieves celebratory heights. There are other artists in trap that display an emotional complexity, but this usually comes across as a representation of the binary, either party anthems or slow jams. But its the nuance and his turn of phrase displayed, unusual word usage paired with his voice and delivery that makes this debut what it is. The record was even able to withstand a guest appearance from Justin Bieber, which actually is one of his best cameos, and sees him blending into the Post Malone aesthetic.

This record is well produced and sounds excellent in its vinyl format, and is an exciting journey from first track to last. Make no mistake this album is primarily a trap record, but Post Malone is one of the first who has taken this extremely minimal sonic pallet, and woven it into a flow that pushes this genre into new territory, to become a genre defining work that will influence a flood of new talent entering the game.

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How To Create A Mid-Century Modern Listening Room | LUNO Wed, 04 Jul 2018 18:18:11 +0000 Having a space that was meant for entertaining, unwinding, enjoying a cocktail and listening to your favorite records was an essential part of a home for […]

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Having a space that was meant for entertaining, unwinding, enjoying a cocktail and listening to your favorite records was an essential part of a home for many years. The mid-century modern style shifted the focus of the centerpiece of this room to the stylish record consoles of the day. These beautiful audio cabinets had all of the stereo components you needed built in, and would serve as the family entertainment center. We wanted to make a guide to show how you can put together your own mid-century modern listening room with some of the pieces that we offer here at LUNO.



The stereo console is the centerpiece of the listening room, make no mistake it is an investment, but it’s meant to be an heirloom piece, and the hours of enjoyment that this sound system brings are priceless. Not to mention the style points that a piece like this brings to your home are off the charts! LUNO’s flagship model, EGB2, is a timely update of the classic record consoles of the 50’s and 60’s. The beautiful Mid Century inspired design, boutique minimalist turntable, pull out MiniBar and custom gold rimmed whiskey glasses effectively evoke the luxurious style and modernist design of the Mad Men era. Each EGB2 is crafted by skilled artisans and craftsmen in Los Angeles, CA using American Walnut and would undoubtedly be a conversation piece based on it’s stylish design alone.



Once you sit in a listening chair, you’ll realize why they were made, and you may not ever want to get up from it again. Our Buckley Listening Chair is the perfect companion piece for our consoles. Built with the speaker height in mind, it’s positioned for you the get the maximum listening experience, so kick back with a glass of whiskey and enjoy your favorite record! Ottoman included. No mid-century modern listening room is complete without one of these!



Finding utility in accessories and room decor makes the piece all the more cool. This simple vinyl storage solution is made of solid walnut and solid brass. It’s perfect to sit on top of your desk or credenza and makes flipping through your collection ever so easy. Choose your favorite records and add them to your everyday rotation. When you start equipping your mid-century modern listening room you’ll recognize the value of having record storage that keeps a selection of your favorite vinyl LP’s accessible.



Once your begin developing a vinyl record addiction, this storage solution and decorative piece will not only make sense, but it may save your life. This stunning modern storage unit is for the serious and stylish collector holding up to 500 records. Made from exotic Zebrawood with black lacquered legs, it’s a one of kind showstopping item that will hold a large record collection with sophistication. Custom finishes & sizes available. This is an essential item for any mid-century modern listening room!

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ASK AN INTERIOR DESIGNER – VINTAGE RECORD CONSOLES? Thu, 05 Jul 2018 18:10:24 +0000 We’re answering the most common questions that we receive via e-mail and social media. We’re calling this series, Dear LUNO. If you have a question about […]


We’re answering the most common questions that we receive via e-mail and social media. We’re calling this series, Dear LUNO. If you have a question about interior design, mid-century modern furniture, home decor or record consoles and accessories send them to


Dear LUNO,

I’ve been looking into purchasing a vintage mid-century modern record console from the 1960s, and some of the models I’ve considered look like they’re in excellent condition, but are selling way above what I’ve noticed the original price tags were. Are vintage vinyl console record players worth the price, and how do they stack up against just investing in a new stereo console? What should I look for in a record console beyond the basic style that I’ve been seeking? 

Thanks in advance for your response,

“Confused Console Shopper”


Hi “Confused,”

Where to begin? There are so many options out there for vintage record consoles, and a wide variety of quality. Depending on the brand you’re looking at, the price for some of the rarer heirloom vintage stereo record consoles, or collectors pieces, can be astronomical.

Here’s the main issue, most vintage 1960’s consoles weren’t known for impeccable sound quality, so depending on whether you’re looking to use the piece as a decoration, or as an actual daily use working hifi stereo system, should help you decide if you should look for a brand new versus a vintage unit. Consoles like our EGB2, and other brand new mid-century modern style consoles have significantly better components than they put into their classic 1960’s predecessors.

You should also check to see if the console you’re looking into has all of its original components, or if they’ve been updated to new equipment, which in many cases will give you much greater fidelity. For the money, purchasing a new unit can give you exactly what you’re looking for, and in many cases with LUNO’s consoles, you can customize some of the features, so you find exactly what you’re looking for.

Another suggestion is to look for units that are entirely analog, many new record consoles have equipment that allows you to output to a digital signal, and other digital equipment, which compresses the full original analog signal into a digital signal, and kind of defeats the purpose of listening to a vinyl record. LUNO’s record consoles are 100% full analog from stylus to speaker, giving you the warmth and fullness that analog records are so well known for.

If you have a specific console that you have questions about drop us another line, and we’re always glad to help out!

Yours truly in interior design,




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The Best Los Angeles Jukeboxes | LUNO Sat, 07 Jul 2018 22:15:28 +0000 Few things in life are more rewarding than walking into a bar, going up to the jukebox, finding the perfect song. When a carefully curated jukebox […]

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Few things in life are more rewarding than walking into a bar, going up to the jukebox, finding the perfect song. When a carefully curated jukebox has a deep selection of classic albums, obscure indie bands and fans-only favorites, and you throw down your best tracks against your friends, you achieve a special state of extreme badassedness, especially when you can pull that off on a vinyl jukebox. We wish this could be a vinyl only list, but we realized that’s an extremely tall order, and we have to give credit where credit is due, to all of the Los Angeles establishments who still pay homage to the cultural institution that is the jukebox.



three clubs best jukebox los angeles

This may not sound like a complement, but Three Clubs seems like a place that Leonard Cohen and Nick Cave would meet up to shoot heroin. It’s very dark, it embodies the style and comforts of another era, but it has a version of class that is almost so out of place in 2018 that it becomes a little seedy. Their jukebox is CD based, but its selection is fantastic and covers some bases that really suit their environment, and put them on the map as one of our favorite Los Angeles jukebox landmarks.




There’s no better place to get the old school Los Angeles coffee shop experience, and play some incredible music, than The 101 Coffee Shop. An institution for generations of hipsters, but in this case the hipsters got it right. Hanging out here you get to touch a bygone that we all seem to long for, a simpler time that was richer in many ways, but somehow we keep pushing further away from into the complexity of technology. Great food, awesome jukebox, need we say anymore?



swinger jukebox best los angeles

Another great fixture of the classic Los Angeles coffee shops, Swingers is well known for having a very eclectic jukebox. Their selection over the years has included titles from artists as diverse as Bjork, The Smiths and Link Wray. After a night out at Hollywood clubs, most likely listening to some form of the current top-40 music being blasted at a volume that makes it almost impossible to realize how bad it really is, Swingers lets you unwind over some great food, conversation with your friends with a background of incredible music.



best jukeboxes los angeles Sevengrand

A whiskey bar that is as luxurious and handsomely decorated as you could possibly hope for, with the added bonus of an amazing selection of tracks on their jukebox. Some nights they have a live jazz combo, which is always a great night out too. But my favorite nights here are those when you get to pick out tracks from the albums you love, enjoy some incredible whiskey cocktails and just talk about music.



Not the first place that may come to mind when you think of jukebox, but they have them, and the also have a pastrami sandwich that’s so good, it could make many vegetarians rethink their stance on eating meat. This place is caught in a time-warp, but in the best way possible. When you’re here enjoying one of the best late night food spots anywhere in the world, listening to Elvis, you start to realize what a special place Los Angeles is, and how lucky those are who explore it and discover its secrets.


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Coolest Features of a Mid-Century Modern HiFi Record Console | LUNO Mon, 09 Jul 2018 21:44:09 +0000 Mid-century modern record consoles have an elegance that could lead you to believe they materialized from a 1960’s James Bond movie. Like one of Bond’s gadgets, […]

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Mid-century modern record consoles have an elegance that could lead you to believe they materialized from a 1960’s James Bond movie. Like one of Bond’s gadgets, they also have some of the coolest hidden features that you may not have heard about. Unless you’re in the know, own one, or are among the community of Interior Designers, you may not know about some of the well kept secrets of these incredible decorative luxury furniture pieces. Here’s a quick list of some of the coolest mid-century modern record console features.


The Hidden Whiskey Bar

luno record console whiskey bar glasses

Let’s get started with a bang, easily our favorite feature of LUNO’s mid-century modern style record console, the discrete whiskey bar. It’s your own hidden turntable powered speakeasy, and comes with 4 beautiful gold rimmed whiskey glasses. It has the capacity to hold 4 full average sized whiskey or wine bottles, just in case you want to change it up. It really is the perfect complement to your favorite classic vinyl LP, check out the whiskey bar on one of our most popular consoles The EGB2.


Standard Marshall Salt & Pepper Grill Cloth

One of the coolest things to know about LUNO’s record consoles is that they come with the standard Marshall salt & pepper grill cloth, it doesn’t get more classic than that, Marshall amplifier grill cloth! You actually have one of the most iconic elements from the history of rock & roll music built in as part of the DNA of LUNO’s record consoles.


Apple & Airplay Compatibility

Apple Airplay Compatibility Record Console LUNO

Airplay compatibility means you can connect your other Apple compatible devices and stream them on your high quality LUNO stereo console, giving you an extremely full and rich audio experience. One of the comments people frequently make is how impressed they are by the enveloping sound that comes out of our consoles. Which actually gets at another feature that we didn’t have room to include, which is high quality audio components, that are hand-wired by our in-house audio gurus.


Deceptively Large Vinyl Storage Capacity

When you slide open the cabinet doors, you will see a perfectly measured space to store your copious vinyl collection. This baby holds 150 standard size vinyl records, and believe me you’re going to need after you hear one of these record consoles in person. Every record you currently own in any other format, you will begin a mad hunt to track it down in its original pure analog format.


Line-In Other Media & Audio Sources

The thing I love most is being able to connect other older analog tape players through the built-in amp and console speakers. It makes even these old tapes sound rich and warm, and the EQ controls it gives you, allow you to adjust for some of the deficiencies and decay that can be found as tapes age. Also, if you want to have the coolest looking home theater setup known to man, this unit can act as the core of your surround sound, and then some.

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